Empowering hope, through support, awareness, & advocacy



Posts in real PRCC stories
Debra's Story

My name is Debra and I am a divorced mother of two college-aged children. I was assaulted in October of 2007. The events that occurred that night impacted my life in so many ways...both negatively and surprisingly to me, positively. The negatives – I am sure we all know and understand all too well – but the unexpected POSITIVE outcomes are what I CHOSE to let impact me the most.

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"Even Tears Mean NO!"

Over a decade ago, I believed that I was a "born victim." It was only through serious therapy, self realization, and self discovery – that I was able to let the past go and forgive those that hurt me – and really begin living. Today, I am okay with my past for it has made me who I am today!! I am very fortunate that from my past I have become so much stronger. I am a survivor!

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